Friday, June 5, 2009

Life is Tubular

A Tube to Eat
A Tube to Drink
A Tube to Poop
A tube to Breathe

All the Tubes Will Set me Free

It's an interesting position to be in.  The idea that I need or may need extra tubular assistance in order to function is a humbling one.   I like to think that I can eat enough food and breathe enough air to survive.  It's a new daily appreciation to take a crap without needing the assistance of an enema or a medley of laxatives.  Trust me, you do not want a small bowel obstruction.  So all of the tubes can be helpful and can prolong functionality, but at the same time it's imprisoning to have a new set of appendages attached to one or a few of your organs.
So I'm hoping to stay away from tubes as much as possible, but, like a friend giving you good unwanted advice, can be valuable in times of need.
Just as long as I never need a tube to Think.


Let the Light in.